Category: Travel
10/25/2015 (CST)

A town where its residents still use horse-drawn buggy........ 

Category: Travel
9/12/2015 (CST)

Istanbul - the only city in the world that spans across two continents, Asia and Europe.  Like Athens, the rich heritage of Istanbul would take pages if not books to introduce.  Read wikipedia on Istanbul prior to your trip.  That could help you appreciate the citya great deal more.


Category: Travel
9/12/2015 (CST)

One of the characteristics in Cappadocia is having plenty of underground cities. Another characteristics is that it is common people here live in the cave. My first glance of this city reminded me immediately of my childhood Flinstone cartoon.  


Category: Travel
9/12/2015 (CST)

The biblical city: Ephesus...

Category: Travel
9/12/2015 (CST)

Personally it is probably the only city in the world where the man-made beauty is integrated so harmoniously and perfectly into its environment/nature. The backdrop of the turquise Argean Ocean against the white/blue-dotted houses hanging on the jagged caldera are simply astonishing and aesthetic that no other cities can be on par with. 

Category: Travel
9/12/2015 (CST)

A heaven for sunbathers...

Category: Travel Itinerary
8/16/2015 (CST)

Buenos Aires, Puerto Iguazu, El Calafate, El Chalten, Ushuaia

Category: Travel
8/15/2015 (CST)

Amazon Medical Mission Trip - my first and hopefully won't be my last medical trip.  Amazon River is still as mysterious as before I visited.  Its width and length are just unbelievable.

Category: Interesting Finds
8/2/2015 (CST)

The oldest surviving monastic community in the world.  It dates back to Byzatine time period. Female is prohibited on the island.  Special permit is required to get to the island and is issued only to male workers or monks. Though part of Greece, it is self-governed by its own local admistration.   

Category: Travel
8/1/2015 (CST)

Pamukkale: travertine pools and terraces of the mineral rich hot springs; Hierapolis:the ruined remains of an ancient Greek city built in 2nd BC...